From BMW to NBBC

JohannesOver the summer when things can be quieter, we offer a student at the London Theological seminary three weeks to come and preach at the end of their first year to build up their confidence and encourage us.

This year we had ministry from Johannes Mueller from Grucking near Munich in Bavaria, home of the famous BMW car. Johannes worked at BMW at one point.

We hope and pray that Johannes will be used in the future to found a Church plant in his home town and that this will be a blessing to the people there.

The recordings are below, two series, one on the Trinity, the other on the ‘Lord’s’ Prayer, sadly one recording failed but otherwise here they are:

Two messages on the Trinity: 1 John 4 v7-18,and 1 Peter 1 v1-2.

Three on the Lord’s Prayer: Luke 11 v1-4, 1 Luke 11 v1-4 and Luke 11 v 5-13