Our vision helps us know what our priorities as a church are. It can be explained under the following three headings.

We are to love the Lord our God above all else. Only he is worthy of our worship and only when we know and delight in him above all, will everything else be put into its proper perspective. If we see how great he is, we will want to know him, worship him and live for him. So firstly, we want to be a people who look upward and delight in our Saviour.

The Lord doesn’t want us to stay as infants, but to grow into maturity by becoming more like his Son. We grow in the Lord as we read and apply God’s word to our lives in reliance upon the Holy Spirit and with the help of other Christians. The Bible teaches us that every believer has a part to play in helping other believers grow in the Lord. This is discipleship – helping each other follow Jesus better, so that we become more and more like him.

If we delight in the Lord, we will want what he wants. The Lord wants us to know him and to help each other grow in him. He also wants us to reach out to those who don’t know him. This is the command Jesus left his disciples: to go and make disciples, a command that is to continue until the end of the age. Therefore, we are to be disciple-making disciples. Those who not only deliver the good news of Jesus to others, but also those who help them grow in him and to fully delight in him.