The Gifts of the Spirit?

This is not the place, neither is there time or space to discuss this matter in all the detail it deserves here. However, I am posting links to an interview given by Wayne Grudem author and highly influential Christian thinker in the area of Systematic Theology, who has written a book by that name. 

Many like ourselves whose theology is informed fore-mostly by Reformed thinking tend to be basically in agreement with Grudem, but you may also hear the phrase in some circles – except on the work of the Holy Spirit – as he is what many call a Charismatic, or more precisely a Continuationist.

Here at NBBC we take no formal position on the subject but seek to preach and teach Scripture faithfully, and practice accordingly, being careful of error, and upholding the truth. We have folk on different sides of this one here at the Church, and we all get along fine, but obviously we do all want to come to the unity of the faith on this, and share one mind. I hope reading these might inform the debate.

Anyway, here is the interview in two parts – one, and two. They are not meant as an expression of our position, but the ‘open but cautious’ position probably does sum up in practical terms how our number operates day to day.

These articles came to my attention through John Edmonds, Pastor of FIEC Freshbrook in Swindon, who is coming to speak here in November.

Why not let us know what you think by using the comments bar when you’ve had a read?